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The future of most of the areas covered by this conference appears to lie in manipulating people's central metabolic control systems to enhance intelligence (by ~20 IQ points), extend life (by a projected 20-30 years), and eliminate most chronic illnesses. I developed good methods to do this in 2001, which have since been applied to myself and ~100 other people. I soon expect AI research, computer development, aging research, and other complex areas to be dominated by people who have been enhanced in this way.


Unfortunately, only ~20% of the population are candidates for this, though the rate is higher for engineers and scientists. Though not painful, this procedure is uncomfortable and requires months of recovery/adaptation once completed. So far, this procedure has only been applied as needed to address serious chronic illnesses, as it makes many small permanent changes in people. No one has yet done it just for the intelligence it brings or the promise of a longer and healthier life.


It would appear that this may be the original singularity, as some people develop a super-human level of intelligence. You may have the choice of doing this procedure, or stepping aside and letting others who have been so enhanced succeed where you can barely compete.


I will enjoy discussing this with anyone who is interested.


Steve Richfield

TylerE: We should borrow ideas from those total nerds at BIL.